Friday, November 4, 2011

Tales from My iPod: Melancholy Edition

I love music. Can’t live without it. I especially like sad music, it would seem. Don’t get me wrong, I like a good party anthem and am heavily into electronic dance (more on that later), but a lot of times, I really just want to hear depressing songs. They somehow validate my feelings, if that makes any sense. Maybe I shouldn’t say depressing, per se, as not all these songs are necessarily “slit-your-wrists” fare, but each does have some sort of sad undertone. These are songs that have been inspiring to me in my writing. My work isn’t all “woe is me”, but I do have a habit of telling stories containing characters going through rough patches. So, here are a few songs that I regularly listen to, which are always good for getting me in the mood…to write.

1. “Undiscovered” by James Morrison. Okay, can I just start by saying how much I love this song? It’s not super duper sad, but it does have a melancholy feel to it. I wish I’d had this song back when I was single, because it would have been my theme. Now, I listen to it as a wannabe novelist and think, well, I’m just undiscovered. Someday, people will notice me. It’s just inspiring, that’s all.

2. “Glass” by Gavin DeGraw. Had to have some Gavin on here. I just love him. Some of his songs are upbeat and fun, and others are kind of “hey, I’m just a lonely guy lookin’ for love”. Though, let’s be honest, he probably doesn't have any trouble in that department. Then again, it’s hard to meet a quality mate, and I doubt he’d consider many of his groupies as girlfriend material. This song speaks to me. From the way I interpret it, it’s about falling in love with someone that just doesn’t love you back. Freakin’ story of my life.

3. “Creep” by Radiohead. You knew this one would be on the list, didn’t you? Of course, Radiohead—the Kings of Melancholy—made the cut. And “Creep”, well, it speaks for itself. When Thom Yorke sings, “I don't care if it hurts/ I want to have control/ I want a perfect body/ I want a perfect soul/ I want you to notice when I'm not around…” I just want to sing right along with him, at the top of my lungs.

4. “Can’t Get You Off My Mind” by Lenny Kravitz. Ah, Lenny. He has a few melancholy songs, for sure. This is one of my favorites. My favorite lyric? “It’s just that I can’t breathe without you/ Feel like I’m gonna lose control.” Sigh.

5. “I Wish I Was a Girl” by Counting Crows. I still like Counting Crows, okay? Judge me if you will, but their music rules. Adam Duritz is so tortured. I relate to him somehow. This is my all-time favorite of their tunes. And not just because my name is in it, okay? For your information, they have a whole song about my name. Another favorite.

6. “Rewind” by Paolo Nutini. Cause we all wish we could turn back the clock, sometimes. Moments that would have been different if you could just go back and re-do them…

7. “The Freshmen” by The Verve Pipe. I love that this song still gets airplay in the radio (at least where I live). It reminds me of high school, because I think I was a sophomore when it came out. It just makes you look back and think about the bad decisions you made when you were younger, and certain regrets you might have.

8. “Coffee Cold” by Margot Wagner. Who??? I know probably anyone reading this has never heard of this singer. That’s okay, she’s not famous. An old roommate of mine turned me on to her. We listened to her first CD so many times, and it never got old. It’s called “Open Blue Sky.” Check it out, if you can find it. This particular song talks of going through hard times. Part of my favorite lyric goes, “...and I wonder why the sun won’t shine for everyone.” Ain’t that the truth? And this isn’t the most melancholy of her repertoire…but it’s one that speaks to me the most.

9. “Smoke Rings in the Dark” by Gary Allan. The only country song I’ll admit to liking. Okay, maybe there are one or two others, but I won’t name them. This song hurts. Bad. It may even be in that “slit-your-wrists” category. I promise, my novel is not anywhere close to this sad.

I don't even think my novel is sad at all. It just has a few parts where the reader might feel sorry for the main character. Or, you know, think she got what she deserved.

Honorable mentions: “6th Avenue Heartache” by The Wallflowers and “What It Takes” by Aerosmith.

Alright, there you have it. Some music that inspires me, as weird as that may be. This list will probably either interest you more in my novel, or it will turn you off from it. Or, (in probably the most likely scenario) you will feel indifferent, because like you’re going to read it anyway.

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